Adductor - Groin Adductor - Groin

Benefits: This is a good exercise for strengthening the muscles for raising the legs to the sides.

Purpose: This exercise is a controlled, balanced inner hip exercise for adducting the hip.

Intermediate Adductors Abductors Stretching Body Only Gym
General Info: There are four groups of muscles that cause movement in the hip joint. They include the gluteal group, the lateral rotator group, the adductor group, and the iliopsoas group. The prime group for hip adduction is, obviously, the adductor group, a group of muscles on the inner hip joint.

Leg Raise - Oblique Lying Single Leg Raise - Oblique Lying Single

Benefits: This exercise is a great way to fine tune your abdominals. It also works the abductor muscles.

Purpose: This exercise works the abdominals.

Beginner Abdominals Abductors Strength Body Only Pull Gym
General Info: The abdominals consist of the abs and the obliques. The abs can be divided into upper abs and lower abs. The upper abs are involved in work done with the lower abs and with twisting movements (obliques).

Leg Raise - Side Leg Raise - Side

Benefits: This is a good exercise for core glute muscle development.

Purpose: This exercise is a controlled, balanced glute exercise for abducting the hip.

Beginner Abductors Glutes Obliques Strength Body Only Push Gym Home
General Info: The glutes consist of the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus. They create hip joint motion to lift the thigh forward, lift the thigh to the side, rotate the leg inward, and rotate the thigh outward. There is also the Tensor Fasciae Latae that abducts the hip.

Stretch - Lying Crossover Stretch - Lying Crossover

Benefits: This is a good exercise for strengthening the muscles for raising the legs to the sides.

Purpose: This exercise is a controlled, balanced inner hip exercise for abducting the hip.

Abductors Stretching Body Only Gym
General Info: There are four groups of muscles that cause movement in the hip joint. They include the gluteal group, the lateral rotator group, the adductor group, and the iliopsoas group. The prime group for hip adduction is, obviously, the adductor group, a group of muscles on the inner hip joint.

Stretch - Lying Glute Stretch - Lying Glute

Benefits: This is a good exercise for core glute muscle development.

Purpose: This exercise is a controlled, balanced glute exercise for building tone and shape.

Glutes Abductors Stretching Body Only Gym
General Info: The glutes consist of the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus. They create hip joint motion to lift the thigh forward, lift the thigh to the side, rotate the leg inward, and rotate the thigh outward.

Stretch - Seated Glute Stretch - Seated Glute

Benefits: This is a good exercise for core glute muscle development.

Purpose: This exercise is a controlled, balanced glute exercise for building tone and shape.

Glutes Abductors Stretching Body Only Gym
General Info: The glutes consist of the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus. They create hip joint motion to lift the thigh forward, lift the thigh to the side, rotate the leg inward, and rotate the thigh outward.

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